Ditana Desktop Enhancements

Packages specifically designed for the Ditana desktop experience.

Desktop enhancement packages extend the functionality of the Ditana desktop environment. These packages focus on improving user experience, productivity, and system integration when running Ditana with a graphical interface. They include customized XFCE components, system tray utilities, and various desktop tools.

Each package in this category is designed to integrate seamlessly with the base desktop environment while providing additional features and optimizations specific to Ditana’s desktop experience. These packages are installed if the user selects to install a Desktop Environment during installation.

  • ditana-config-xfce - This package is installed when users select a desktop environment in the Ditana installer, providing configuration and customization for XFCE. The package manages system-wide settings and user-specific defaults to ensure an optimal experience with high-DPI displays, desktop panels, font configurations, and system behavior.
  • xfce-display-config-observer - Monitors display changes to automatically adjust the font DPI to match the display DPI and adjust the height of the XFCE panel based on the display’s physical size.
  • xfce-wallpaper-overlay - Automatically overlay text and images on XFCE wallpapers.
  • ditana-print-system-load - This package provides a script to display system load and resource usage in the XFCE panel of Ditana GNU/Linux.