ICA example 1

A demonstration of the effect of Introspective Contextual Augmentation (ICA).

Request: “What should I wear today for a travel to New York?”

The response without ICA lacks specific information about today’s weather. But even without ICA, if Wolfram|Alpha is configured, Ditana Assistant will always assess whether the request is directly suitable for Wolfram|Alpha (which it is not in this case). Here, Ditana Assistant’s System-Specific Context proves helpful. It provides a more informed answer than one without even knowing the current month.

The second response, with ICA enabled, automatically utilizes real-time information from Wolfram|Alpha to check the current temperature in New York.

Without ICA (default)

❯ ./ditana-assistant "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                                    is English: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                  does not refer to a computer: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                not suitable for Wolfram|Alpha: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"

I recommend wearing comfortable and stylish clothing for your travel to New York. Since it’s September, you may want to consider layering options as the weather can be unpredictable. A light jacket or sweater, comfortable jeans or pants, and comfortable shoes for walking are good choices. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast for New York to ensure you are prepared for any conditions. Safe travels!

With ICA

❯ ./ditana-assistant -a "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                                    is English: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                  does not refer to a computer: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                not suitable for Wolfram|Alpha: "What should I wear today for a travel to New York?"
                              contextual query: "What is the average temperature in New York City on September 26th, 2024?"
    Wolfram|Alpha’s answer to contextual query: "On Thursday, 26 September 2024, the mean temperature in New York City, United States, was 21 degr..."

For a trip to New York City on September 26th, 2024, you may want to wear comfortable clothing suitable for a temperature of around 21 degrees Celsius. It’s always a good idea to bring layers, as the weather can change throughout the day. Additionally, consider bringing an umbrella or rain jacket as there may be a chance of rain. Enjoy your trip!