Embracing Arch’s Unified Package Management Philosophy

Building on Arch’s strengths, Ditana adopts a focused package management philosophy that leverages the unified system and comprehensive software availability.

Leveraging Arch’s Unified System

As established, users can generally assume that any desired software is available through Arch’s official repositories or the AUR. This comprehensive availability eliminates the need for non-native installation methods.

Single Package Manager Philosophy

  1. Intentional Design Choice: Ditana deliberately avoids installing multiple package managers or wrappers like pamac, focusing instead on pacman and the AUR helper pikaur for a consistent experience.

  2. Unified Updates and Maintenance: With all software managed through a single system, users can update the entire system—including AUR packages—with a single command (pikaur -Syu), simplifying maintenance and ensuring consistency.

  3. Avoiding Fragmentation: By discouraging the use of non-native installation methods (e.g., Flatpak, Snap, AppImage, shell script installers), Ditana prevents fragmentation and potential conflicts, making system administration more straightforward.